Well the Spain portion of our trip has come and gone. Jonathan and I arrived in Florence around 4 today for our week in Italy and, within an hour or two had already managed to eat lasagna, tortellini, tiramisu and 2 scoops of gelato. lol Spain started off interestingly when the guys at the passport check found something unknown in my passport they had apparently never seen which we decided took some major talent. We had some "jogging tours" of Madrid, Segovia, Sevilla, Grenada, Toledo, Valencia and Barcelona, but luckily had time in most places to wander off and see some things a little bit closer and longer as well. Jonathan and I often entertained ourselves by imitating/mocking some of our more annoying tour guides. Mostly it was references to our first local guide who would cut herself off in the middle of an explanation or story to tell us to look at something or another. lol Saw a lot of cool things and places, but have also seen plenty of things that we didn't have time to fully explore that I've put on my list of things to see when I find myself in Spain again sometime. I know there are a lot of funny stories from our tour, buuuut....I can't remember what they are right now. lol Anyway, like I said, the Italy branch of our trip starts today so I'm sure there will be plenty more. Today we even stumbled across the end of the Florence Gelato Festival during our wanderings after dinner! I'll try to do better about posting during this part of the trip, especially since we're making our own schedule now, but obviously with the unknown nature of our internet I can't make any promises beyond Florence.
Today marked the ending of my college journey. For the last 4 years, Baylor has been my home away from home. I've probably even spent more time here than at home. lol
I've met friends I know will be a part of my life forever, people I couldn't imagine the last 4 years without, and some of the most important people in my life. I've grown as a person, learned a lot of life lessons, and created memories I'll keep and treasure forever. As I've said goodbye to the people that have been my Baylor family over the last week, I've started realizing how much I've depended on them.
My ADPi littles and grandlittles for all the fun and crazy movie and crafting nights, as well as the many heart to hearts and ridiculous memories we've created together. My other Baylor besties and all the late nights working on homework and such, ridiculous conversations and adventures and the way they've been here to support me through any and everything. And of course there's Jamie, who has done all those things and more. You've got to love God's timing and sense of humor sometimes, and the way it can introduce people and make them cross paths in some VERY interesting ways.
I feel like I should be sad to be leaving Baylor, and in some ways I am, like the fact that I know I won't see these people everyday starting in August as usual. Maybe it will really hit me then, but right now I can't help feeling that, even though I'll be gone from the day in-day out of the Baylor bubble, I'll be back around often enough that it won't be so bad. At the same time though, I'm excited to see where I end up next...even as scary and frustrating as it is not to have any idea where that will be or what I'll be doing. I can't help feeling like something incredible will fall into my lap at any moment.
Anyway, just a few random thoughts to wrap this Baylor journey up. Leaving for Spain followed by Italy and NEW European adventures in a mere 5 days. Lots more stories to come in the very near future. Hopefully by the time I get back or shortly thereafter I'll know what my next journey is going to be!
"Here I go, and there's no turning back. My great adventure has begun. I may be small, but I've got giant plans to shine as brightly as the sun!"
Sic 'em Bears,